۱۳۸۹ مهر ۲۷, سهشنبه
سوراخ کردن گوش بدون درد و خونریزی
امشب با یه دوست مشترک صحبت میکردم راجع به این قضیه
بعد حرفای اون باعث شد حس کنم که ماها دوستای خوبی هستیم واسه هم.
به این فکر میکردم که چقدر از وقتها قدر دوستیمون رو ندونستیم و چقدر بهش ضربه زدیم به بهونهی این ریلیشن شیپ!
نمیتونم الآن بگم مرز این دوستی و ریلیشن شیپ کجاست. عشق ورزیدنه آیا، رابطهی جنسی، توقعاتمونه و یا روزمرگیمون.
دلم اما برای روزای دوستی تنگ شد
میخوام تموم کنم این ریلیشن شیپ کذایی رو
میخوام دوست باشم
به نظرم رمز موفقیت زندگی مشترک دوستیه
شرط اول و آخرش کنار هم بودنه
شرط لازم و کافی واسه زندگی مشترک رو از دست دادیم
معلوم هم نیست کی به دست بیاریمش دوباره
چه خوبه که اقلا فقط دوست باشیم
خوب همینه دیگه، بریدم و دوختم
این منم، نازنین، گوش که سهله، سر هم میبرم بدون درد و خونریزی!
۱۳۸۹ مهر ۲۰, سهشنبه
Losing "Hug"ers
These days, I feel like, day by day, I'm losing my relations, feel like I'm a big sole old thick tree, in a moor in Africa, where all its tribes has immigrated to the city or maybe to the west, either wild or tame.
Sometimes solitude gives me a sense of power, that I am the only commander of this big territory. Sometimes it is joyful, sometimes it is as painful. I guess all the kings or maybe queens suffer as much as they enjoy.
What I don't like is the fear which is the inseparable part of any ruler's life, the fear of feeling its empty, the space behind you.
These days, I feel like I'm losing my hugers, and I scare of forgetting the last time of being hugged.
Losing hugers could seem a ridiculous issue, but I believe every person, needs to be hugged at least once a day. You can't beg for being hugged. You can't buy it. All you can feel is an empty space behind, when even a touch of an stranger can make you nervous.
I believe every one needs a hugger
I believe I've lost all my hugers
۱۳۸۹ مهر ۸, پنجشنبه
Exclusively for TEng
ور خونه دار مغزم میگه: از مهندسی فقط ایراد گرفتن از مردم عایدمون شد.
دارم به کنکور فکر میکنم، به اینکه مهندسی رو ول کنم برم یه چیز دیگه بخونم، اصلا ول کنم برم آرت بخونم!
ور مهندس مغزم داره به monte carlo model for direct contact membrane distillation systems فکر میکنه که باید تا 15 روز دیگه submit بشه.
BBC داره راجع به قیمت بی سابقهی ارز صحبت میکنه، و من به اینکه پارسال که apply میکردم دلار 998 تومان بود، امسال 1240 تومان، یه حساب سرانگشتی میکنم و میبینم که این یعنی 25 درصد هزینه های apply کردن امسال میره بالا، و کاش کاری داشتم حتی با حقوقی درحد همین 25 درصد اضافه!
آه میکشم و میگم، افغانستانم سرو سامون گرفت، پس این ایران کی میخواد درست شه! پدر جواب میده: ایرانو شماها باید درست کنید!
با خودم فکر میکنم مااااا؟ ؟ ؟
دوباره به کنکور فکر میکنم و ادامهی مهندسی و استارت کارگاه اسانسم
ور غیر مهندس اما همچنان داد میزنه که خودتو نجات بده بدبخت! چپ چپ که نگاهش میکنم میگه، اقلا برو خارجه مهندستر شو، اونا که 20 سال جلوترن، برگرد هر کارگاه و کارخونهای که میخوای بزن
ور مهندس به ور غیر مهندس پوزخند میزنه که خر خودتی، تو میری که برنگردی!
محاسبات ابلهانهی الگو رو اشتباه میکنم، گویندهی BBC اعلام میکنه: طلا گرمی 34000 تومان و بازار طلا همچنان در اعتصاب. ور خونه دار زیر لب میگه حتی شوهرم نمیشه کرد. مهاجرت که بهتره!
۱۳۸۹ مهر ۱, پنجشنبه
چیزی که میخوام بگم اینه که چقدر دیدم عوض شده نسبت به بچه ها، من هیچوقت بچه دوست نداشتم. هیچوقت با دیدن هیچ بچه ای تو فامیل و خیابون و . . . نگفتم آخییییی, چه ناااااز و ازین حرفا. اما از لحظهای که فهمیدم من مادر اون کوچولوام میدونستم که خیلی دوسش دارم، خیلی زیاد! میدونستم که حتی اگه نمیمرد، حتی اگه هانی نمیخواست، من میخواستمش، با تمام وجودم.
حالا دیدم در مورد بچه ها فرق کرده، حالا همشون به نظرم قشنگن، و همه ش میخوام که بغلشون کنم...
۱۳۸۹ شهریور ۷, یکشنبه
یک هفته!ا
دلخورم، از همه، از خودم، از هانی، از دنیا، از همه چیز.
از هانی که وقتی دوستم تو تولدم میپرسه این برادرته خودشو میزنه به اون راه و با نیوشا و نعیمه کل کل میکنه! از خودم که وقتی شمیم پرسید "دوست پسرته یعنی؟" جوابی نداشتم بدم و دلمو خوش کردم به این که گفت "آخه شبیهین بهم!" به اینکه جای جواب همه ی سوالای احمقانه بگم "آدما یه مدت که باهام باشن بهم شبیه میشن!"
کلی رو مخ خودم کار کردم که درش بیارم از فریم و بگم که آقا جان مگه رابطه رو باید حتما با اسم محدود کرد. دوسش داری، دوست داره، بسه دیگه!
ولی باز سوال مردم آزارم میده، از خودم میپرسم من چی هانی هستم؟ و جوابی نمیگیرم!
آدم موجود عجیبیه
کنار کشیدنای هانی عصبیم میکنه. اما سعی میکنم به خوبیای دیگه ش فکر کنم و یادم بره، به این فکر کنم که نیاز به حمایت هیچ مردی ندارم حتی اگه اون مرد هانی باشه.
هانی داره میره. من غمگینم.
چطوری میشه از یه هفته خیلی خیلی استفاده کرد؟
۱۳۸۹ شهریور ۱, دوشنبه
خلاصه 3سال پیش در چنین روزی منو هانی از دوست داشتن گفتیم. و امشب که از قضا خیلیم سر حال نبودم هانی اس ام اس زد که:
00: 00 تولدت مبارک نازنینم. از طرف اونی که خیلی دوست داره : *******
این تولد قطعا جزو بهترین تولدای عمرمه! دوست دارم هانی : *
۱۳۸۹ مرداد ۲۵, دوشنبه
هانی بیخیال من! :|
فکر کنم بهتره برم بخابم تا فردا حسابی انرژی غر زدن داشته باشم نه؟ : دی
۱۳۸۹ اردیبهشت ۲۵, شنبه
From Saba to Amin
how are u? arrived? everything is OK? tell me about ur self. I missed you so soon, but everyone care for me, parsa, photo, maryam, mammad samar,...
Today I had a 7 AM class with photo, do you know what happened? I looked at his icecream cone and I cried!!! he understood :( it was so bad, I had to leave. but after he told very good things, and did nt check my homeworks!
hope you do your jobs easily.
uncle Mano called today
he asked what did I do for application? gave me a webpage of a norwagian university, he said it is where he lives, and if I go there I can live with them :) but I found out that uni does nt have my course :( , the only possible programme for me is MSc in Industrial management
did I tell you Faraz got 106 in TOEFL?
take care of yourself tooo much
I love you
۱۳۸۸ اسفند ۱۵, شنبه
From Amin to Saba
You're always dear Sabaaaa
From Saba to Amin
u know i hate waiting! specialy when i really felt sleepy. u made me upset, u saw i am available, u could at least tell me by pm! :'(
u r so cruel! :(
From Amin to Saba
We're still in Dubai Mall. I'm too tired. Hosein is still visiting the shops.
I miss you Nazanin,
I.ll see you soon my moon
From Saba to Amin
I came back 11 pm
I think I deserve being sad
and dont deserve being loved
I miss you too
I see ur mind is accupied by other stuffs
I have to be a kind of arbiter
and determine the future of a child
Things are just too complicated
and i feel old!
Wish to see u this week
Big big hug
From Amin to Saba
Please dont be sad Nazaniiinn.
I miss you too much my deaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar :)
This time I met you I will kiiiiiiiiiss you so much to,, mm,, to make you Kissy Saba :******************************* Take these for now :D
I love you :*
From Saba to Amin
Maybe u r right but i may decide to my own Amin,there are several things I have to mention, I had enough time to think these days. When u came back, if there was any time we will talk about it, dont worry.
Today again Photo was here, i will kill u if u dont describe me what u have told him!
So say hello to ur friends :)
Take care
From Amin to Saba
:( I don't like that. You make a decision for both of us. That's not nice. You should say that i've a suggestion.
:) your ideas are all welcomed. I.ll probably come soon, i don't know exactly when Saba.
:) Again my friends find out that i'm writing to you.
Saba, when i'm writing to you, there is a smile on my face, so everyone notice to whom i'm mailing.
You're so dear Saba. I don't like to feel far from you.
Kiss :*
From Saba to Amin
I have made a decision about our relationship, i will tell u soon
take care
tell me when will u return, the new week has begun
From Saba to Amin
Those time that you called I was asleep
I came Tehran
I have too much work ro do
mmm, I dont know what to say, It is bothering
Wierd that I know you have to leave again soon when you are back.
Take care of yourself
From Amin to Saba
Nothing happened also today.
Nothing,, mmm,, 3 weeks in Dubai. Today i went to swimming pool, it was nice, an small swimming pool in the roof of a 4-star hotel/.
I missed you dear
missed you
From Saba to Amin
I will return to Tehran today, at 6 o'clock, I am both happy and upset.
I miss home, and it has become bothering here, but when I return to tehran I have much to do.
Come back Amin, I got tired!! :D
From Amin to Saba
I want to kiss you again Sabaaaaaa.
Hope to see you soon,
From Amin to Saba
I've nothing special to say except that posh hotel i mentioned you on the phone. Right know i'm in Star Bucks coffee ane using my cellphone.
M, don't feel much bad. Just feeling bad has no result so don't feel bad. Saba
I'm so tired tonight. Maybe because of the beach,
Hope to see you soon
Kiss :)
۱۳۸۸ اسفند ۷, جمعه
From Saba to Amin
here conditions is a bit more different than what i thought so i have less freedom. the most hard thing is to find car!!! here it is 40 kilometer far from city and about 6 kilometer far from the nearest town.last night we had to go and return on foot but it would nt be possible all the time specially in the daylight and alone.
tonight we may go to a park near Sarbandar, i wanted to go to the shore but thay say that it would be slurry in the evening the only good one is restricted by the oil company so i will go to Abadan's beaches maybe on tuesday.
Ermia is here too and tries to be kind with me i can see he is trying hard, i feel pittful :(
manam duset daram (I love you too) :*
From Amin to Saba
I didn't find a coffee net, but here i can use my cellphone to mail you. It's a bit hard. Like sending sms :)
I got so happy as you are facing to a world you didn't experience before. Saba, i didn't get drunk in that day. I didn't drink a glass. :) i'm a good boy :)
I gain several experiences in trip.
Yes Saba, Parsa is a clever boy. He thinks about every issues. He thinks a lot. That's a good point of him.
Saba, take care of yourself. 2set daram ( I love you) :*
From Saba to Amin
yes, here every thing is a new experience and i am enjoying every thing,except weather, everybody say it is hot there, but u should be working in the site at 1pm to realize what does it mean the hot weather, unfortunately it is ramadhan and there is any drinking water available. i should take an iced bottle with me or i will be sick i think, the other thing is that there is no lunch in the site because of ramadhan and the workhour is up to 3pm they provide lunch 4 us in our rooms but there is also 1hour way between site and dormetory and hunger is another problem.
today they gave us safety shoes,caps and suits, all were large! then they found out that we 4, are the only girls in the unit and it is not islamic! to wear those worksuits!!! :D so they took back the suits and we should only shoes and caps with mantels :( i want my nice blue work suit back :((
mmm, the other thing is that here it is far from any civilization, no shop no street,...i need to have some fruits, seems i should find a good driver in the complex services and ask him to take me some where.
the other thing is that there are roaches and lizards in our rooms :( i scare of lizard :( nut seems i should ask them to obey some rules that i can live with them :D
i think i just talked about bad aspects but there are some good things too, next time i will right them.
take care honey, dont get drunk ;) care ur food and tell me about ur visa and ur plans
big hug
p.s. parsa is really nice :) he gave me some good advices about the trip, the curious thing is that he is the only boy i've ever seen who cares about this things :D
From Amin to Saba
last night my friends got drunk and after we went to pizza hut the pizzas are disgusting ( But i ate a delicious plate af lasagna). so all of them (except i and amir) vomited in the night. Milad vomit in the morning as well. so we cancelled the wild wadi program.
things are all fine with me Saba :)
i hope you to get experienced and share them to me. :)
From Saba to Amin
Last night I was so sleepy that I was nt realizing what I am saying on the phone. Here we are in the dormetory and we have personal rooms, there is a computer site with only 2 PCs but it is better than nothing.
Are you returning today???
We will talk more later
۱۳۸۸ بهمن ۱۸, یکشنبه
From Saba To Amin
i think i should send u one.
everything is going to be ok. I am so sure. but if it was nessasary tell me to call Singapore's embassy ;)
i am kidding i am sure that u will be admitted :)
big hug :*
My dear Amin, if ur trough still sours, get Strepsils tablets from drugstore, it is not a drug, it is a candy consists of honey and lemon, it is useful for sour trough. surely the drugstores have it, it is a famous cold treatment.take care honey
From Amin To Saba
i'll go.
refresh your e-mail every day, but not several times in a day. it's tiring and cause disappointment. OK?
i really don't know about my return time. i hope everythings last appropriately. :)
you're the dear
From Saba To Amin
tomorrow i will call u about 11, u must be gone to doctor at that time,ok?
i missed u too much last night so i called but i could nt say anything.
u r only alittle far and gonna be back, what should i do when u leave for uk? it drives me mad :'(
:*** hug
p.s. i would be appriciated if u answer, i hate waiting and refreshing this page 2000 times aday :(
From Saba To Amin
actually i didnt mean any thing by having a dream! i dont know it should be because of the fantastic imagination every body say i have!
this afternoon i had another dream about me,u, ur father and two little sisters! you had two little sisters! and i am not going to tell you what i saw! yes, i try to be full of energy and i keeping on trying because i think i have no other way to continue.
seems u r enjoying ur trip and it is really delighting, of course i am not as cruel as u to say that is not acceptable you enjoy too much. so enjoy ur time honey and i am looking forward to u to come :*
p.s. my injections caused some infection and allergic reactions! :((
p.s. love :D
From Amin To Saba
you seems full of energy again. that;s the right way. keep on going. i read the book years ago. :)today we will go to dubai sightseeing tour. it should be nice.
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
goes up !!!mmm,,a bit strange, i should think of it. so you mean that i'd like to go to another world with you,, actually a world out of the earth. it's nice :)
From Saba To Amin
i had a dream last nightit was strange, about u and me.you helped me to get on a vehicle it sound like a truck at first which was driving fast and you helped me to get on its back by a rope! then when i got in i found it is not a truck and does nt drive on a road, it was some thing like a balloon and was flying in the sky and we went with that strange thing and i woke up!!! :D
what do you think about it?
From Saba To Amin
how nice, have u read "the little prince"? if yes, find my planet in the sky, i am sitting there and looking after my flower waiting to see u twinkling to me, but u cant see me twinkling cause planets don't ever twinkle, but they are more shinny instead so you can find it soon. mmm i guess i will run my planet to 30 north degree and 3 GMT of the earth in the first hours of darkness of the earth. you will find me easily as my planet is the only brilliant spot in the sky at that houres :D
see every where u go i will come there as fast as i can. tell me weather you find me or not ;)
i try to study,i got GRE books and i have to do them too. but i cought cold and i am sleepy all the time and cant down my head becouse of nose problems also today i got two injections :( and got dumb i speak but no noise come out! :D
there was a birthday party to night and i have been deprived of it becouse of my viruses! :D
i called photo yesterday too and his vioce was really blissful and talked very friendly! so i thing he was happy of some thing else, not you :D
mmmmmm :( what is this for? take care as much as u can, take photos to show me, enjoy
kisses cant be restricted by time and space,mmm so what is the matter? :****
hug <3
From Amin To Saba
enjoy the life Saba.,,, we definetely meet each other soon, but maybe after mahshahr.
things are fine here as well. tonight we will go to Sahari. i really missed you in here. i'd like you to accompany me in this trip. Sabaaaaa jaaaan,, study as hard as you can,, it;s so good,,, Maryam is a good friend for you :)
i called Mr. Photo yesterday,,, he got so delighted ,, :)
:( Sabaaaa,, take care of yourself
mm,, could i send a kiss via e-mail ? ,, no matter, i do it :*
From Saba To Amin
except smiling what else can i do while seeing ur letter?problem is that if u come after seventh i will be in mahshahr and we wont meet up to 10 other days and what if u leave before i return? :(
dont be worried, i am strong enough, i have to be, i will take care of my self though i used to be looked after by others cause finally i will be separated of everyone i used to love soon, so i have to get along with, last night i spoke with maryam and she gave me advice to use studying to forget. i will do it ;)
enjoy the trip, take sunbath, get brown, swim as much as u can and of course take care :)
i am counting days to meet my brown Amin :D
love u :*
From Saba To Amin
From Saba To Amin
۱۳۸۸ بهمن ۱۷, شنبه
From Saba To Amin
can u read these lines with ur eagle eyes? no? don't worry go down :)
i forgot to tell u about the France embassy, they transmitted my appointment to Oct 7.also about the institute i did nt mail Birmingham uni, but i found their name and address in the international section of its website.they claim to help to study in various foreign unis.yes chatting with new people gives me energy to get along with situation and be a real SABA ;) i and parsa chatted the other day and exchanged information about applying US, and he also can help me to achieve some information a professor in their faculty has about my project cause he claims Dr.roshanzamir loves him so much:) he is a nice boy.and i think Fraser thought i am saying something related to him and got curious about the translation.ok seems there is nothing left to explain u.take a very good care. things gonna be ok, i promise :*
just trying to make u smile and say kholochel! :D here u r:
i forgot to tell u about the France embassy, they transmitted my appointment to Oct 7.also about the institute i did nt mail Birmingham uni, but i found their name and address in the international section of its website.they claim to help to study in various foreign unis.yes chatting with new people gives me energy to get along with situation and be a real SABA ;) i and parsa chatted the other day and exchanged information about applying US, and he also can help me to achieve some information a professor in their faculty has about my project cause he claims Dr.roshanzamir loves him so much:) he is a nice boy.and i think Fraser thought i am saying something related to him and got curious about the translation.ok seems there is nothing left to explain u.take a very good care,things gonna be ok,i promise:*
From Amin To Saba
about the supervisor,, i heard that there is an institute claiming to be in that position. it may be that institute. you can check it by mailing to birmingham univarsity.things got a bit complicated over here. it's all about our dubai visa, uk visa and ... .sabaa,, mm, about you and ermia,, i should talk to you . i should know the exact condition. it's so bad to feel as a traitor.here things are fine except those problems. yes,, i didn't come to net regularly in here. sabaa,, i hope to see you soon i don't know , whether because of my sickness or not, but i feel tired.. now, it's 10am.yes, i read the chat you had with parsa. it seems that both of you were enjoyed a lot. you even chat with fraser. you seemed as an energetic lovely girls in those chats. i like that. continue on being SABA. :) take care of yourself
- Amin-
From Saba To Amin
ahan, do you know any thing about birmingham's supervisor in tehran? a friend gave an address in yousefabad and said they will guide me, ofcourse i will check it in the universitie's website but i thought maybe you have some direct information.about the application form, the most propable work is following the application filling guide and i did it, it sais that we need atleast one person to refrence that your informations are correct so that i thought maybe i should name the universitiy's educational office principal. i have to try hard for my english. i am going to discourage Photo! :( the other thing i am going to talk about is some thing that i am so doubtfull to tell them to you, but i guess u have time there to think about that. Amin i really feel bad, i feel like a traitor, i think i am not sure about my desicions about Ermia and he is not going to realize me at all.i feel guilty for the situation, i cant stop bad thinkings, honey it is terrible to feel as a traitor. i dont really know what to do.more i go far from him more he is likely to be with me and doing favors to me, and i cant close my eyes to it.i wish u where here to talk about, i really need to talk to some one, but i dont find any reliable person, maryam is away, so busy with her own issues, you are there, never felt as lonely as now :'(i always had good senses about Ramadhan, now by its starting i feel i am too far from God. i feel he has forgotten me, now, when i need a great support :'( i really try to pretend happy and energetic, but i am going to be destroyed inside.
by the way, dont delete your sent items so that i can read my lost smss when u came back. looking forward to see any little sign of u, in facebook, messenger, mail box... i know it is difficult for u but try not to deprive me. u where the first one congradulated my birthday :* u are always the first one :) hope u enjoy your water park trip my duckling :) take care
۱۳۸۸ بهمن ۱۴, چهارشنبه
From Saba To Amin
i am back.
feel lonely without u, without maryam,... :((
miss u honey, dont u have net there?
atleast send e-mail to me :(
۱۳۸۸ بهمن ۹, جمعه
From Amin To Saba
it seems a long time that i haven't talked to you and i feel strange.
Saba, I'd like to feel your feeling but you don't let me know that, you think that i don't understand you, you think that i'm not eligible. Saba, why you regard yourself as a loser. It was strange, you guess my emotions toward you.you don't even ask me about it.
sometime i feel that you try to disguise yourself . sometime the words like "honey" seems artificial for me. it seems that they didn't come out of your heart. But you know, i don't like to believe all these, so i didn't believe that :)
i've always tried to guide my feelings in order to bring me freedom and comfort. sometime when you don't answer my calls, when you are sad or even angry with me, i feel sad, confused and obsessed. i know that the true love shouldn't be like that. i mean that i shouldn't be bothered from it. so i change my mind in a way that brings me bliss and peace. nothing matter, the important thing is that i love you. this feeling is what you present me and i'm so thankful to you saba. you're the one that has opened several windows for me to enjoy the sceneries. I've tried always to go beyond the superficial matters and get the concepts, relying on them.
i think that there is always a big barrier toward the genuine kind of human living. at least it's the case for me. mmm, by this i mean, sometimes my behavior or reactions has been strongly influenced by the common believes. i mean that, in some cases i feel sad because i think the true respond to the situation is sadness. i got this believes by watching movies, hearing the common believes of my culture, by reading novels and so on. but thinking more deeply, i feel that i'm only trying to be sad. the essence of all human beings is happiness. so why should i try to be sad.
in this way, nothing can annoy me.
a blissful person can present bliss to everyone.
one last thing, Amin: "take care of yourself", Saba: "I DO" , and i love your response. my dear Saba.
out of these topics, Saba, i brought my computer to downstairs. now i should buy a laptop for myself. the other news is that Bubik came upstairs, so i talked to him and we have great time with each other. i'll introduce you to him. he's a good friend. one other thing, today i kissed Bubik a lot, in every part ( Bubik has only a Big head :) ). I feel that i'm used to kissing ;)
that's all Saba
don't forget to tell me your dreams (of course the ones you want to explain)
i've forgotten to give you the chapter from Osho's book. the chapter that i've read.
Saba, tell me what is in your mind, in your heart? tell me everything.
Take care of yourself dear :)
:) thanks
From Amin To Saba
your contact with Ermia seems bothering for you most of the time. I don't know, maybe because of the harsh arguments you held. So I feel a little bit sad because i can expect a sad and obsessed or confused Saba after the talks. particularly at the nights. but no problem dear, i got accustomed to this way and just do what you think is right.
Wow, it seems that you decided to make a big change. That's good. But saba, try to preserve the positive aspects of your being. any change that makes you happy and blissful is fine with me.
we should always be honest and comfortable with each other.
sometimes i think our confused mind make the misunderstandings. We've overloaded the mind and .... . you know, sometime we deduce conclusions from a sentence, an act or etc. which are not right.
wish to see you soooooon
۱۳۸۸ بهمن ۷, چهارشنبه
From Saba To Amin
i dont know y i did nt see ur mail last night.
i m trying to be happy and not to think about futur and past, i decided to live the moment. i m not going to think a bout what would be happened.
i m not going to think about where am i going to and where u r going,i m not even going to think about ur leaving, and not about when i am going to see u again.
i dont want to think about my relationship with Ermia, i m going to give up every thing to him, i want to let him decide about the life with my conditions. i am going to make new friends and forget ur missing. i am trying to try solitude.
these were all the items made me upset and i m going to restrict them in a circle and feel free.
anything happens i will try to accept as the best event.
but tell me honey
are they bothering u? it seems that u are a little bit sad or anxious about i do contact with Ermia, is it?
ur writings make me so much happy,but it is sudden,because they are too short! like a little piece of candy.
take care
p.s: love
From Amin To Saba
please don't feel sad,
Monday 12:03 AM
Dear Saba
I tried calling you but i was unsuccessful. i should wake up at 5am and now is 1am. i need to hear your voice :(
SO where are you ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
i'll call you in the morning. i hope to see you tomorrow
Wed 10:10 PM
My dear, Saba
you were happy on the phone. wish to have you like this from now on ;)
take care of the lovely saba
۱۳۸۸ بهمن ۶, سهشنبه
From Amin To Saba
Today is a beautiful day. i'm sitting in my father's office, responding to your letter.
I hope that you will be successful in conveying your thoughts to Ermia.
Sabaaa,, Take care of yourself. i'd like to see you happy, fresh, and soon.
Tell me, what has gone between you and Ermia today? did you meet each other to talk about recent issues? what was the result of the conversation?
From Saba To Amin
what did i do with you? i had never seen such a literature from u
i had never seen any hopeless word from u
where is my strong friend? honey my situation is enough painful.
Amin,dear,there is only one truth in this world and it is love,this is my exact feeling about you,and the reason i m making so much problem 4 u and the reason of what did i do with u 2years ago.
i am feeling guilty for that time and i really really dont want to do it again.
my dear you had been so honorable. you make me shame
what do i have instead to give you except my love? and how can i remove or even hide it?
dearest your words are really worthy 4 me
the feeling you say is exactly what i feel,i had ruined every thing, i had mixed up you life and ruined his life. i dont have any thing to defend by.
i could never understand what is goihg on your heart,i really wanted but i could not but it did nt change anything in my mind.
honey just feel free, do what you want,and be patient, time will pass,and what happen is good for all of us, any thing happen,where ever u go,when ever it is, i love u so much.
this word of sohrab is always in mind in any hard situation: Be wide and lonely and humble and firm!...
your words always bring me peace and hope
i rely on you and i m happy beacause i m relying on a strong man,i know he can help me and he would nt be annoyed.
your leaving would be hard, leaving you would be hard
so let's not to talk about it any more
take care, be safe and dont forget u are a knight in my story
this is my special secret email
use it ever after
i have to sleep now tomorrow i have an appointment with my professor.
gd ngt petit chevaliere